Grapevine Biotechnology
Transformation of grapevines for functional gene analysis
Genome sequencing projects and transcriptome analyses in grapevines have generated a wealth of data on the structure and regulation of genes, but in many cases their function is not clear. In addition to transient systems (transient expression of genes) such as overexpression or silencing of genes in grapevine using RNAi (RNA interference) technology, the production of stable transformants is of great importance for the systematic analysis of gene functions in the intact plant. The basic prerequisite for the use of this strategy is the provision of efficient transformation and regeneration systems for grapevine. RLP AgroScience has developed a system for establishing highly productive embryogenic cell suspensions for grapevine varieties and rootstocks. Embryogenic cultures of different varieties of both scions and rootstocks are stored and can be effectively stimulated to regenerate intact plants through the formation of somatic embryos. These embryogenic vine cell cultures are the basis for transformation for functional genetic analysis, which we also offer as a service. Either the biolistic or the agrobacteria-mediated approach can be chosen.