Detection of latent Allorhizobium vitis (crown gall) infections
Research Group
Grapevine Biotechnology
Embryogenic grapevine cell suspension
Two thirds of the agricultural production value in Rhineland-Palatinate is generated by special crops, above all viticulture, which accounts for over 60% of the German wine-planted acreage.
The "Grapevine Biotechnology" research group aims to support the competitiveness and future potential of the wine industry in Rhineland-Palatinate through research projects and specific services in the field of viticulture. The application of molecular biological and biotechnological methods and in vitro-culture techniques form the basis for the development of new problem-solving approaches for controlling vine diseases.
Transformation of grapevines for functional gene analysis
Removal of selection marker genes
Virus elimination
Identification and differentiation of grapevine rootstock varieties
VITIFUTUR (Interreg V)
Silicon dioxide nanolayers and embedded compounds for protection
against sunburn and fungal infection in fruit cultivation and viticulture
Grapevine embryos expressing green fluorescent
protein (GFP)
Conversion of transformed regenerates
Transformed regenerates
Gabi Krczal
Telefon: 06321 / 671 1301