Molecular Breeding
Vicia faba
DNA-free induction of sequence-specific mutations
using the CRISPR/Cas system in the grain legume Vicia faba
Due to their special property of soil improvement, legumes will play an increasingly important role in the agriculture of the future. As a model plant for legumes, this project focuses on the native grain legume field bean (Vicia faba). Its high yield potential, its effect as a ‘break crop’ in cereal-rich crop rotations, its favourable effect on soil fertility and its symbiotic performance are important arguments in its favour. Breeding successes in yield security in particular would be able to promote the cultivation of this crop. Modern techniques such as genome editing must not be neglected for breeding progress. To date, biotechnological approaches have not been used for breeding field beans due to their poor suitability for tissue culture. Vicia faba has a low morphogenic potential and its tissue tends to brown quickly. Up to now, only one tissue of faba bean with a high morphogenic potential has been identified: the embryonic axis of the mature embryo and explants derived from this tissue. The aim of this project is to establish genome editing using the CRISPR/Cas system in field beans. The project was funded by the BMBF as part of the ‘Cultivated Plants of the Future’ programme.